Guaranteed Disposal Outlet
A Potential Revenue Source
A Decrease in Dust in the Finished Product
Assistance in Marketing & Distribution
Beneficially Reusing Nutrients
Diversion from Landfills
Utilizing the FloridaGreen Brand in Marketing to Retailers & Agricultural Customers
Assistance in Marketing & Distribution Permit
Packaging of Pelletized Product

Municipal Advantages

  1. Guaranteed Disposal Outlet
  2. A Potential Revenue Source
  3. A Decrease in Dust in the Finished Product
  4. Assistance in Marketing & Distribution
  5. Beneficially Reusing Nutrients
  6. Diversion from Landfills 
  7. Utilizing the FloridaGreen Brand in Marketing to Retailers & Agricultural Customers
  8. Assistance in Marketing & Distribution Permit
  9. Packaging of Pelletized Product

Download the PDF below to read more about our advantages for your home, business or municipality.